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a 3-minute fiction production


rough cut-mini documentary, fine cut is in progress

As the deadline gets closer and closer to November 3rd, there are still people have not been to the polling site or sent their ballots by mail. Imagine there are only 30 seconds before the deadline, how will people get out to vote? 

This is a psa produced for the non-profit organization Indivisible Chicago which went viral in China with more than 1 million views.

Read article behind the video

as an American citizen, he does not like this place. One day, he said he would  go back to China.

why?what happened to him?

click to see an 1.5 generation immigrant's identity crisis

2020 spring, coronavirus outbreak hit Chicago. Deaths reported every day. This video documents some corners of the city of Chicago using 360 VIrtual reality camera.


Empty streets. Closed shops. People wearing masks... Try to get some historic debris that we will be looking back on.

move mouse to drag the video, see what is around!

a short commercial for a local


all actors are staff working in the gym.


an iphone music video production practice.

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